Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Music Monday: Daniela Andrade

Monday January 12, 2015 11:32 am

Hey blog friends! Lately I've been on the hunt for new music//music sources and what better way to do that than consult you guys (all 2 of ya)! Just a few days ago, I rediscovered one of my favorite artists on YouTube and it's like falling in love all over again. You know that feeling when you find in your closet that you don't even remember buying and then you put it on and it looks amazing? That's how Daniela made me feel. Her voice is like that of a dainty little bird. It's beautiful and lovely and sing-songey and it makes you want to fall in love.

Daniela and the equally lovely Kina Grannis doing a rendition of Emmylou by First Aid Kit.

Stars Fell On Alabama

La Vie En Rose


Daniela does soft, soulfull renditions of a healthy mixture of oldies and not so oldies that you can listen through on her channel: youtube.com/DanielaSings . Everything about this lady just screams BEE-U-T-FULL, from her voice to her videos and of course herself. Definitely a great listen for coffee shops and soul searching. You know, if you're into that sorta thing. Well anyways, until next time blog friends!

xoxo, kim

Saturday, January 10, 2015

fictiontime: spy gear

Friday January 9, 2015 12:32 am

She sat in the far-left corner of the classroom. He sat on the other end. She lives with her older brother. He grew up in the nicer side of town. She tried in school, but not that hard.He was one those people who never needed to study for a perfect test score. She only cries during sad movies. He was on the newspaper staff and homecoming court. She's a spy for the CIA. This is the story of how they fell in love.

image courtesy of the52weeks.com

Alright blog friends, I hope you enjoyed that really weird and kind of terrible opening to my nonexistent novel about the story of a teenage spy and her high school sweetheart. Tacky as glue, I know. I read somewhere that you should get used to writing terrible shit on a daily basis because eventually, something good will come out of the shit pile. Also, I've been going through a bit of a spy phase, but we'll save that for a different post. Until then, blog friends.

xoxo, kim

Sunday, January 4, 2015

journal entry: Crepes n Zara

Sunday January 3, 2015 8:32 pm

As a last hurrah before the start of our second school semester, my friend, whom I shall call Y for now, and I decided to take a stroll through Old Town Pasadena. A couple of things I love about Old Town: 1. the architecture is bee-you-tee-ful and really lives up to the name 2. it's populated by 20-something hipsters who all look like they're off to have coffee in a nice cafe and finish their novels 3. there's a nice mix of high end and affordable clothing stores (Tiffany's is a four minute walk from Forever 21) and cafes!

We decided on this cute little cafe Crepe Studio on Union Street. You can't tell because they look identical in the picture, but I ordered a chicken pesto panini with bacon and avocado and Y got a caesar panini. We both got Nutella frappes and split a Nutella crepe with blueberries and coffee ice cream. 'twas a meal well spent.

Embarrasing confession time: Y and I both agreed we would wait until all our food arrived to take a picture. Our paninis took seconds to make, but the crepe took decades. It's quite hard to sit in front of a well-made panini for half an hour an not be able to take a bite.

our outfits of the day:

me lookin supz awkz

Y lookin supz cute

After a timely meal we headed to Lush so Y could pick up her Tea Tree Oil Toner and then Zara. Luckily they were having their post- holiday sales and I picked up these two t-shirts (for $25!!)


I'm quite pleased with cheeky little graphic tees. They'll come in quite handy when I don't want to try to dress up for school (aka everyday). Hope you all are still keeping up with those resolutions. I'm going to be writing more original content for this blog rather than just the journal entries, so watch out for those.

xoxo, kim

Saturday, January 3, 2015

journal entry: impromptu mini target haul

Saturday January 3, 2015 7:21 pm

Hello blog friends! This little spontaneous trip to Target was the most eventful thing that's happened today (besides me finally putting up my Audrey Hepburn poster from Christmas!). I picked up a few things beauty and a few things literature-y. This morning I was trying to write in my journal and I realized I was missing my favorite pen. I don't think I would've written anything until I bought a new pack. It just felt wrong.

items I picked up:

1. John Green's Paper Towns (which is a long overdue must-read)
2. St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub
3. Biore  Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser
4.Pilot G2 0.5mm Roller Gel Pens
5. Rimmel Stay Matte powder in Sandstorm
6. Rimmel ScandalEyes Gel Eyeliner and brush

I'll probably review some of these things for you guys later on. I'm excited to read Paper Towns so I can join the oh the book was waaaaaaay better club when the movie comes out, and I also haven't read in ages. Until next time, blog friends!

xoxo, kim

journal entry: Dinner with friends (aka the most social I've been in the last 3 months)

our sorority squats
Friday January 2, 2015 11:28 pm

 I just came home from a dinner with my fellow cabinet members and it was the loveliest dinner I've had in a while. Lately my dinners have been quite lonely and I think I've been eating the same five meals for the last three weeks, so tonight was a breath of fresh air. I've forgotten how sassy/snarky these people, whom I work with, can be. It was a good start to the new year filled with laughter, OK food, catching up, and of course crying over our final grades.

a couple highlights from tonight:

Matthew ordered creamed spinach (??) and was rightfully judged upon doing so.
Terri google image-ed half the dessert menu.
Amy and Sindy figure out how to fit a Chipotle burrito- sized burger into their mouths.
Dang attempts to explain how his burgundy dye came out black.
Dang also attempts to differentiate blue cheese and ranch dressing (at least he's cute).
Sydney forces a group picture before she leaves the dinner (15 minutes early might I add).
Kenny accidentally steps on my left shoe to which I reply "ow" and then proceeds to step on my right foot a few more times.
Kenny sasses me about picture captions.
Calvin reads my Instagram picture captions (notable works include "these loes ain't hoyal").
Yours truly made four bathroom trips.
This picture happened.

Wishing all my blog friends a happy new year. Keep those resolutions up! 
xoxo, kim
p.s. Look at my cool new outro signature. Very Gossip Girl of me, right???

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A few important (and unimportant) New Year's Resolutions

Hello blog friends! The time of listing and most likely forgetting our New Year's resolutions has fallen upon us once again. It's fun to set goals for yourself because we always imagine achieving them and in most cases ignore how we would achieve these goals, but this year will be different (I claim, as I continue to finish the last of my assorted chocolates whilst watching workout tutorials). But seriously guys: 2015 is 'bout to get supz real.

1. Set goals for myself every week.
I want to make setting goals for myself a habit instead of waiting until January 1st to make a bunch of big goals that I know I can't commit to (oh the irony!). Whether it be acing a test or making a breakfast meal that doesn't require a microwave, I want to have realistic, achievable goals that I can make a habit out of.

2. Go to bed earlier. 
Aiming for 11:30! Not getting enough sleep is literally the source of all my problems and this just needs to happen.

3. Study earlier for tests.

4. Treat mahself.
'cuhs even the best workaholics know when to take a spa day.

5. Find a signature scent, because I'm incredibly jealous of people who have one.

6. Take more pictures.

7.Stop doubting myself and trust my gut, Olivia Pope-style.
Because I can acutally be right about stuff sometimes.

8. Find a good skincare routine and stick to it.

9. Read at least two books a month.
(suggestions pleaseeee!)

10. Keep up with a journal.

11. Keep up with this blog.

So there you have it blog friends: my 2015 resolutions. Happy committing!