Saturday, January 3, 2015

journal entry: Dinner with friends (aka the most social I've been in the last 3 months)

our sorority squats
Friday January 2, 2015 11:28 pm

 I just came home from a dinner with my fellow cabinet members and it was the loveliest dinner I've had in a while. Lately my dinners have been quite lonely and I think I've been eating the same five meals for the last three weeks, so tonight was a breath of fresh air. I've forgotten how sassy/snarky these people, whom I work with, can be. It was a good start to the new year filled with laughter, OK food, catching up, and of course crying over our final grades.

a couple highlights from tonight:

Matthew ordered creamed spinach (??) and was rightfully judged upon doing so.
Terri google image-ed half the dessert menu.
Amy and Sindy figure out how to fit a Chipotle burrito- sized burger into their mouths.
Dang attempts to explain how his burgundy dye came out black.
Dang also attempts to differentiate blue cheese and ranch dressing (at least he's cute).
Sydney forces a group picture before she leaves the dinner (15 minutes early might I add).
Kenny accidentally steps on my left shoe to which I reply "ow" and then proceeds to step on my right foot a few more times.
Kenny sasses me about picture captions.
Calvin reads my Instagram picture captions (notable works include "these loes ain't hoyal").
Yours truly made four bathroom trips.
This picture happened.

Wishing all my blog friends a happy new year. Keep those resolutions up! 
xoxo, kim
p.s. Look at my cool new outro signature. Very Gossip Girl of me, right???

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